What is Quantum Healing?

Kathleen Guarnieri

Kathleen Guarnieri

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a hypnosis therapy created by Dolores Cannon.  It has been carefully developed over her 45-year career as a regressive hypnotherapist while working with people from all over the world.

I have been personally trained in these methods by Dolores and I am certified to practice QHHT for my clients.  Dolores's method allows people to achieve a deeper state of hypnosis, or a somnambulistic state of trance. During this state the client goes beyond past lives, or a present life past event, and into a profound communication with their subconscious. This is sometimes referred to as your "Higher Self."

When this communication is facilitated by the practitioner, every question can be answered.  Health, emotional and spiritual questions can be answered with amazing clarity and truth.  It is your inner, wiser, all-knowing self that knows EVERYTHING about you and why you are facing the challenges that you are in this lifetime.


Photographs by Benjamin Davies, Kayla von der Heide, Rob Mulally, Werner Sevenster



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